Published Compositions
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GIA Publishers • Chicago, Illinois
Annunciation Carol (2014) • cat. no. G-9139 Listen
SATB and organ with optional string quartet. Commissioned by Chelsea Community Church for their 40th annual Candlelight Carol Service on December 14, 2014. Uses the scriptural portion of the Ave Maria text in Latin, and All who claim the faith of Jesus hymn text by Vincent Stuckey Stratton Coles (1845-1929), altered, from hymn no. 269 in the Episcopal Hymnal 1982.
Festal Anthem (2001) • cat. no. 008794
TWO-PART canon for mixed choir, with organ; based on the tune Wie schön leuchtet and using a choice of five different texts appropriate for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, and Pentecost.
The Lord is my shepherd (2008) • cat. no. G-7417 Listen
SATB, opt. organ; arrangement of African-American Spiritual.
Now the Green Blade Rises (2002) • cat. no. G‑5505; G-5505-INST
Hymn concertato for SATB choir, descant, organ, trumpet, opt. congregation. May be done as a choir anthem without congregation.
Mothering God, you gave me birth (2011) • cat. no. G-8622
SATB with optional organ accompaniment. Text by Jean Janzen (b. 1933), based on Julian of Norwich (c.1342-c.1413).
Sing a new song to the Lord (2013) • cat. no. G-9065 Listen
SATB and organ, Psalm 98:1-5 (ELW). Premiered May 16, 2013. Commissioned by member Carron Donohue in support of the Church of the Epiphany’s Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program.
To the Whole World (1998) • cat. no. 005866
SATB unaccompanied; commissioned and recorded on CD by The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle (J. Michael Thompson, director) • The CD titled Light from the East is available from Liturgical Press (St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, MN).
Paraclete Press • Brewster, Massachusetts
I am the Resurrection (2014) • cat. no. 1735 Listen
UNISON TREBLE choir and organ. Text: John 11:25-26 (NRSV). Premiered April 6, 2014 by the Children’s Choir of the Church of the Epiphany, Manhattan.
I see something of God (2018) Listen
SATB unaccompanied choir. Commissioned by the Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall in honor of her son Nathan, in support of the Church of the Epiphany’s Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program. Text from Song of Myself by Walt Whitman (1819-1892).
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis for Trebles (2016) • cat. no. 1962M
Magnificat - Listen Nunc dimittis - Listen
TWO-PART TREBLE choir and organ. Text: Book of Common Prayer, Daily Evening Prayer: Rite One. Commissioned by Perry and Janna Hodge in honor of their children PJ and Ryan, in support of the Church of the Epiphany’s Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program. Recording is from the premiere performance.
The King shall come when morning dawns (2014) • cat. no. 1804 Listen
TWO-PART TREBLE choir and organ. Text: Anonymous Greek, translated by John Brownlie (1859-1925). Commissioned by Louise Bozorth in honor of her grandchildren Laila, Crosby, Hunter, and Leland, in support of the Church of the Epiphany’s Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program. Premiered December 14, 2014.
AVAILABLE NOW! ____________________________
Preces and Responses (2023) • cat. no 2404 Listen
SATB unaccompanied. Text from 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Premiered on the Third Sunday of Easter, April 24, 2023, at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church in Brooklyn.
COMING SOON! ______________________________
Psalm 96: Sing to the Lord a new song (2021) Listen
SATB choir with organ. Quiet lush organ chords held under orthodox-style chant in modern harmonies describes this mystical setting, dedicated to the choir at the Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York City. Premiered on Christmas Eve 2022 at Heavenly Rest.
St. James Music Press • Hopkinsville, Kentucky
O sacred communion (2001) Listen
(S)ATB unaccompanied; O sacrum convivium text in English
Augsburg Fortress Publishers • Minneapolis, Minnesota
Choral Stanzas for Hymns, vol. 1 (2009) • cat. no. 9780806698410
362 At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing (Sonne der
Gerechtigkeit, stanza 7)
398 Holy Spirit, Truth Divine (Song 13, stanza 2)
Choral Stanzas for Hymns, vol. 2 • cat. no. 9780806698434
511 Thy strong word (Ebenezer, stanza 5)
754 Jesus, the Very Thought of You (St. Anne, stanza 2)
767 Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me (So nimm denn meine
Hände, stanza 2)
777 Come to Me, all Pilgrims Thirsty (Beach Spring, stanza 2)
793 Be Thou My Vision (Slane, stanza 3)
824 This Is My Father’s World (Terra Patris, stanza 2)
Psalm Settings for the Church Year (2008) • cat. no. 9780800678562
7:1-10 • O Lord, my God, I take refuge in you
Unison verses, assembly refrain, organ
41 • Happy are they who regard the poor
SATB verses, assembly refrain, organ
65 • You are to be praised, O God, in Zion
SATB verses, descant, assembly refrain, organ
111 • Hallelujah! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart
SATB verses, descant, assembly refrain, organ
122 • I was glad when they said to me
SATB choir verses, descant, assembly refrain, organ, opt. handbells
137 • By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept
SATB choir verses, descant, assembly refrain, organ
Vocal Descants for the Church Year (2007) • cat. no. 9780800679439
Descants for the ELW harmonizations of Moscow/Italian Hymn;
Munich; Nettleton; New Britain; Nicaea; Nun danket alle Gott; Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland; O dass ich Tausend
Reharmonizations and descants for New Britain and Nicaea
God, Whose Farm Is All Creation (2005)
Tune Harvest Gifts and harmonization. Hymn no. 734 in Evangelical Lutheran Worship (hymnal of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).
God, Whose Farm Is All Creation (2005) • cat. no. 0800679408
Out of print
Hymn-anthem for SATB choir and organ on the tune Harvest Gifts (ELW hymn no. 734). Contact me if you would like a copy of this piece.
Magnificat • cat. no. 0800653882 • Out of print Listen
SATB unaccompanied; text ELLC alt.; arrangement of chant by Zachariis. Includes optional Gloria Patri (not on the recording). Contact me if you would like a copy of this piece.
GIA Publishers • Chicago, Illinois
The ChicAGO Centenary Anthology • cat. no. 003074
Fantasy-Choral ~ Conditor alme siderum (2005)
Augsburg Fortress Publishers • Minneapolis, Minnesota
Pull Out the Stops! • cat. no. 9780800658991
O quanta qualia (intonation and harmonization)
St. Albinus (intonation and harmonization)
Pull Out the Stops! Vol. 2 • cat. no. 9780800677688
Rendez à Dieu (harmonization)
ELW Introductions and Alternate Accompaniments for Organ, Vol. 5
cat. no. 9780800639181
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier
Erhalt uns Herr
Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend
Tallis’ Canon
Unser Herrscher
ELW Introductions and Alternate Accompaniments for Organ, Vol. 8
cat. no. 9780800639211
St. Thomas
ELW Introductions and Alternate Accompaniments for Organ, Vol. 9
cat. no. 9780800639228
Wer nur den lieben Gott
ELW Introductions and Alternate Accompaniments for Organ, Vol. 10
cat. no. 9780800639235
St. Denio
By Love We Thus Are Bound • cat. no. 11-10519 • Out of print
Five hymn intonations:
Go Tell It • Old 107th • Picardy • Toplady • Twenty‑fourth
Contact me if you would like a copy.