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Unpublished Compositions

Click Listen to hear a recording or View Sample PDF to look at a partial sample score.

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in obtaining scores for any of these pieces.


Variations on “A mighty fortress is our God” (2012) Listen

Commissioned by Augustana Lutheran Church of Hyde Park, Chicago, for the dedication of their new Wahl pipe organ on April 20, 2012. The recording is of me performing at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City, a much larger instrument than the organ at Augustana Lutheran Church of Hyde Park.


Fanfare for Easter (2023)    Listen

For brass quartet (2 trumpets, 2 trombones) and organ, based on the Victimae Paschali Easter sequence hymn. Premiered Easter Day, April 9, 2023 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. Timing 1:20.


Alleluia, alleluia, hearts and voices (2015) View Sample PDF

Hymn no. 190 (tune: Lux Eoi) from the Episcopal Hymnal 1982 arranged for congregation, choir, organ, brass quartet, and timpani.

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Silent night, holy night (2023) Listen

Reharmonization of third stanza with soprano descant, unison melody, organ and optional string quartet.

Splendor and Honor (2019) View Sample PDF 

Unison and organ, brief intro/intonation and each stanza a different harmonization (1-high voices, 2-low voices, 3-all), composed for the 2019 Association of Lutheran Church Musicians biennial assembly in Portland, Oregon. Text and tune from Lutheran Service Book, hymn 910. Tune: Shades Mountain, K. Lee Scott; text: Carl P. Daw, Jr.


SATB Unaccompanied

Behold, a virgin shall conceive (1998) Listen

SATB unaccompanied choir; commissioned by The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle (J. Michael Thompson, director); Matthew 1:23 (NRSV alt.)

Comfort, comfort now my people (2015) View Sample PDF   Listen (MIDI)

Introit for SATB unaccompanied choir. Composed for the December 6, 2015 Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols at the Church of the Epiphany in Manhattan. The chromatic harmony will challenge your choir!

Fling wide the door (2013) Listen

Introit for SATB unaccompanied choir.

Four Latin Motets (2021)

Gaudete in Domino semper - Advent  Listen  View Sample PDF

SATB unaccompanied choir with some SB divisi at final cadence. Text is Philippians 4:4-5 (RCL Advent-3 C).

O magnum mysterium - Christmas  Listen  View Sample PDF

SATB unaccompanied choir with some SB divisi. Traditional text with some alterations.

Sicut Moses exaltavit serpentem - Lent View Sample PDF

     Listen (MIDI)

SATB unaccompanied choir with some SB divisi. Text is John 3:14-16 (RCL Lent 2-A, Lent 4-B, Trinity B).

Haec est dies Easter View Sample PDF

SATB unaccompanied choir with some STB divisi. Text is the Gradual and Alleluia from Mass of Easter Sunday from Liber Usualis, Psalm 118:24,1 and 1 Corinthians 1:7. A quieter piece for Easter!

God so loved the world (2022) View Sample PDF    Listen

SATB unaccompanied. Text is John 3:16-17 (KJV). Premiered on Trinity Sunday, May 26, 2024 by the Parish Choir of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, with Larry Long conducting.

Lord, you have searched me out (2013) Listen

SATB unaccompanied choir, based on Psalm 139. Premiered October 13, 2013. Commissioned by Paul and Stacey Gutman in honor of their daughter Olivia in support of the Church of the Epiphany’s Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program.

Magnificat (1999) Listen


Nunc dimittis (2022) View Sample PDF     Listen (MIDI)

English text (ELLC translation) alternating traditional plainsong chant with SATB verses with Gloria Patri (which is not on the Magnificat recording). Magnificat commissioned by the Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle (J. Michael Thompson, director).

My steadfast, sure love (2016) View Sample PDF    Listen (MIDI)

SATB unaccompanied choir. Text from Isaiah 55:1-3. Commissioned by Stephanie Titus Schley in memory of her brother Jimmy Titus in support of the Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program at the Church of the Epiphany in New York City. Premiered March 19, 2017.

Peace in Heaven (2011) View Sample PDF     Listen (MIDI)

Introit for SATB unaccompanied choir, composed for the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States.

Regina caeli (2022) View Sample PDF     Listen

SATB unaccompanied. Latin text of the Antiphon in Paschal Time
from Liber Usualis. Premiered on the Second Sunday of Easter, April 26, 2023 at the Episcopal Church of St. Luke in the Fields in NYC, David Shuler conducting. 

Set me as a seal (1985) View Sample PDF

SATB unaccompanied. For Charles Jordan and Maryann Koehler on the occasion of their marriage November 16, 1985.

The great forerunner of the morn (2009)

SATB unaccompanied • based on the chant hymn Ut queant laxis

Today the Cross is exalted (1995) View Sample PDF

SATB choir unaccompanied; commissioned by The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle (J. Michael Thompson, director).

When Jesus was baptized by John (2013) Listen

Introit for SATB unaccompanied choir.

AATTBB Unaccompanied

O salutaris hostia (2022)  View Sample PDF   Listen

For unaccompanied 6-part choir, AATTBB (or SATTBB) using the traditional Latin text by Thomas Aquinas. The recording is of the Saint Paul's Episcopal Church (Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn) Evensong Choir singing under the direction of Larry Long. The piece was premiered September 4, 2022 by the choir of the Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York City, Janet Yieh, conductor. The recording is of the Evensong Choir at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, 199 Carroll Street, Brooklyn.

SATB Accompanied

Christ, whose glory fills the skies (2020)   Listen (Virtual choir)

SATB choir and organ. Commissioned by Gib Dunham in honor of his wife Katherine Dunham's birthday, in support of the Church of the Epiphany’s Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program. The text is adapted from Charles Wesley's hymn. Premiered August 16, 2020 at the Church of the Epiphany in NYC.

Christus factus est (2021)   View Sample PDF    Listen (MIDI)

SATB choir and organ. Traditional Latin text from Philippians 2.

Feed your children, God most holy Listen

or alt. text Speis uns, o Gott, deiner Kinder (2014)

Soprano solo (opt.), SATB, organ. Commissioned by Walter and Christina Borst in honor of their children Kevin and Jamie, in support of the Church of the Epiphany’s Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program. English translation by my paternal grandfather, the Rev. Harry P. Long (1876-1946). May be sung in English or German (or both). Premiered May 18, 2014.

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How dear to me is your dwelling (2024)  Listen

For SATB choir, soprano soloist, and organ. The text is Psalm 84:1-4, BCP (1979) translation. Commissioned by parishioners Ben Ellis and Marlene Donnelly in support of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. Premiered October 27, 2024 at Saint Paul's by the Parish Choir with Larry J. Long, conducting and playing.

In deepest night (1997, rev. 2009)

Hymn-anthem setting of my hymntune Southwest; text by Susan Palo Cherwien; commissioned by William and Nancy Raabe.

May the angels lead you into paradise (2011) View Sample PDF

UNISON (cantor or choir), assembly, and organ

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O sacrum convivium (2024) View Sample PDF   Listen

For SATB choir and organ. The "Alleluia" section may be cut if sung during Lent. The traditional text is set to create a mostly quiet, mystical setting reflecting the mystery of the holy eucharist. It is an attempt at a musical depiction of the shimmering, glorious, heavenly banquet we all will ultimately share in the presence of God. Premiered by the choir of the Church of Saint Luke in the Field in NYC on Sunday, September 15, 2024.

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Psalm 117: O Praise the Lord (2024) View Sample PDF   Listen

For SATTB choir and organ, for use at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Includes the antiphon "Let us adore forever the Most Holy Sacrament." Premiered on the First Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 1, 2024, at Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn with Larry Long conducting, Stephen Tharp organist.

Psalm 150: Praise God in the holy temple (2020) Listen (Virtual choir)

SATB choir with organ. Commissioned by Paul and Stacey Gutman in honor of their son Samuel in support of the Church of the Epiphany’s Wednesday Homeless Dinner Program. Premiered virtually on January 24, 2021 at the Church of the Epiphany in NYC. English translation from Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal.


Then I looked (2002; rev. 2007) Listen

SATB and organ; Revelation 5:11-12 (NRSV).

This is the day (2007, rev. 2015) • Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 View Sample PDF

SATB, organ, and two trumpets. Psalm for Easter Day, using the Evangelical Lutheran Worship translation.

We praise you, O God • Te Deum (1995) View Sample PDF

Alternating verses between unison assembly with organ and unaccompanied SATB choir; premiered at the 1995 ALCM Biennial Assembly, Denver, Colorado; English text (ELLC translation).

Solo, Duet or 2-Part Choir

Song of Ruth (2022)  View Sample PDF     Listen (MIDI)

For soprano or tenor solo, or 2-part (S/A, T/B, S/B duet or choir), and organ. Text adapted from Ruth 1:16-17 by the Rev. Elise A. Hanley. A lilting love song appropriate for any wedding or renewal of vows.

Unison Accompanied


We praise you, O God • Te Deum (1998)  Listen

Unison choir with organ, opt. assembly; text English Language Liturgical Consultation.



Holy Feast (2006)  View Sample PDF

Litany Kyrie, Nine-fold Kyrie, Simple Kyrie, Penitential Rite, Glory to God (opt. refrain), Gospel Acclamation, Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Amen, Lamb of God, for assembly, organ, opt. Cantor or SATB Choir, opt. brass quartet. Text is Evangelical Lutheran Worship/Episcopal (Rite 2).


Mass of the Redeemed (2010)  View Sample PDF

Cantor, assembly, and organ. Optional SATB choir. A setting of the 2011 Roman Catholic revision of the mass.

Missa Brevis (2022) View Sample PDF

Listen: Kyrie   Gloria   Sanctus   Agnus Dei

For SATB choir and organ. English texts from the English Language Liturgical Consultation (Episcopal BCP Rite 2) with the exception of the Greek Kyrie. Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei. Premiered November 26, 2023 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 199 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, New York.

Saint Ambrose Mass (2021) View Sample PDF    Listen to Lamb of God

Composed for use in Advent or Lent (no Gloria), for congregation and SATB choir in alternation with organ. Includes Nine-fold Kyrie, Sanctus, Christ our Passover, and Agnus Dei. Texts from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (1979) Rite 2.

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Saint Paul's Chant Mass (2023)  View Sample PDF

Listen: Kyrie     Gloria     Sanctus     Agnus Dei

Congregational mass with organ accompaniment in chant style using Rite 1 language from The Book of Common Prayer (1979). Kyrie, Gloria in excelsis, Sanctus and Agnus Dei.


Settings of the three Palm Sunday Passions from the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke (NRSV) with modern harmonies. For three chanting soloists (Evangelist, Jesus, Cantor), SATB choir, and organ (manual only, no pedal, similar to a Baroque continuo part).

Saint Matthew Passion (2021) Listen

Premiered at St. Paul's Episcopal Church (Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn) on the Sunday of the Passion|Palm Sunday, April 9, 2023, Larry J. Long, conductor and organist.

Saint Mark Passion (2021) Listen

Premiered at St. Paul's Episcopal Church (Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn) on the Sunday of the Passion|Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024, Larry J. Long, conductor and organist. (Recording is of the abbreviated Passion option, Mark 15:1-47)

Saint Luke Passion (2021) Listen   View Sample PDF

Premiered at the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York City on the Sunday of the Passion|Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022, Janet Yieh, conductor, Larry J. Long, organist.



Before the ending of the day (2020) View Sample PDF

Unison congregation and organ, includes optional 4-part choral second stanza and third stanza descant. Text: Te lucis ante terminum, Latin, translation by J. M. Neale (1818-1866).


Bread of Life from Heaven (2001)

Unison or four-part congregational refrain and choir verses, organ, opt. C instrument. Text: Marty Haugen (Refrain), Susan Briehl (Verses).

In deepest night (1997)

Unison congregation and organ, opt. oboe, opt. SATB choir stanza two.

Tune: Southwest. Text: Susan Palo Cherwein.

O Come, O Come, Immanuel (2023)

Unison congregation and organ. Text: The Rev. Dr. Barbara K. Lundblad, with two sets of texts related to lectionary years A and C.


O gracious Light (2023)   Listen

A reharmonization of the accompaniment of S-27 in The Hymnal 1982 premiered at Choral Evensong on Sunday, January 8, 2023 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, New York.

Out of silence music rises (2019)

Unison congregation and organ. Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr.

Riding on the night horizon (2005)

Congregation and organ, opt. four-part harmony and descant. Tune: Mullins, text: John Snodgrass.

Sing of God made manifest (2012)

Congregation and organ, opt. descant. Tune: Reddall, text: Carl P. Daw, Jr.

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